
Hello and welcome to The Self-Care Society (TSCS)!

I am a 21 year old student studying Communication and Media at Bournemouth University. I have shown great interest in the importance of self-care in the last two years so I am passionate about sharing this with you all. I am slowly understanding that in order to have a healthy relationship with ourselves, more self-awareness is key.

The purpose of this blog is explore how we can use digital technology purposefully, to our advantage, and to a certain level will guide us through the process of self-care.

We are living in a Digital Age where technology is rapidly evolving and with these innovations emerges a dichotomy between social anxiety and digital interventions. Through discussing the ‘Digital Impact on Health and Wellbeing, I will be starting this journey by providing you all with an insight into how new technologies have transformed the fitness industry and also provided us with revolutionary mental health coping strategies. We cannot ignore the evolution of technology continues to aid and structure society.

TSCS looks to champion this to a certain level, and of course, give credit where it’s due. But the dangers in the rise in digital technology cannot be ignored. Digital technology has clearly become an intrinsic part of our existence, but we must work hard to avoid being consumed by it. Not only must we question our reliance on social media but also consider the digital impact of large corporations (like Facebook) which have the capacity to funnel into our thoughts and feelings.

On a less serious note… you can expect plenty of conversation around how society uses digital technology and how I believe it is helping or hindering our health and wellbeing! The fundamental aim of the Self-Care society is to mindfully create the building blocks towards wellbeing.   

Disclaimer: I am only sharing my thoughts, opinions, and advice. I am not qualified in the medical, nutrition or fitness sectors but these are the foundations of my interests and I would love to share my experiences with you! If you are seeking medical assistance I would kindly suggest you see your doctor. If I add videos, I will add subtitles where necessary in order to consider those with accessibility needs and to ensure the content is informative and understandable.

I have created this blog in order to reflect the importance of mental and physical wellbeing and the ways digital technology can impact these. If you gain anything from this process, I hope it encourages a more positive and powerful mindset when coping with the mass influence of digital technology.

This blog will explore the different angles of the impacts of digital technology on health and wellbeing. I can personally vouch for feeling torn between the loneliness that comes with living in this Digital Age, yet somehow, we still feel part of a digital community due to the society becoming increasingly interconnected and freedom of access to other people’s experiences.

I must leave you with some food for thought… To what extent do digital communities contribute to our personal growth?

A clue: What do you ‘feed’ your mind with?


All the love from me, your

Self-Care Sister
