Make meat great again…(said no-one, ever!)

Welcome back my Plant Powered Friends, I hope everyone is enjoying my blog’s so far.

This week I am looking into the negative digital impacts that are occurring due to vegan activism. With standing out from the normal, and being different, comes hate. Online, this is known as cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is an ever-large problem as many people who write nasty, hateful or harassing things online can easily hide behind a screen. They can create fake accounts or numerous accounts to target individuals. The act of being able to hide behind a screen makes it seem easier for people to be a cyberbully or be a victim of cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is a thing, and it’s real.

There are obviously ways of helping with cyber bullying, as it mostly happens on social media it can be flagged and reported, and users can block these people so that they can stop receiving this type of bullying. Bullying usually targets those who stand out because they are ‘different’ and although veganism is becoming increasingly more popular, it is still classed as a different way of living. It involves going against cultural norms and questioning why we produce, eat and drink in ways that are unethical, not environmentally friendly or as healthy.

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Twitter Wars…

Veganism is becoming known and heard through the internet, and of course social media. This is a way non-profit organisation, celebrities, activists, or anyone can use their freedom of speech to speak about anything they like. In this blog post, we are looking at veganism. An example of where social media has created hate is the use of Twitter and Instagram.

Now, I know most of us have at some point had some rivalry on twitter – I remember getting a nasty comment from a random Twitter user for retweeting Quorn’s launch of vegan chicken nuggets. When I clicked on their profile they were purposely searching through any replies to the post and trying to start arguments, of which unfortunately many can get caught up in.

An example of someone who seems to ruffle up many feathers is Piers Morgan.

television GIFHe is known for not liking the vegan diet, with some examples over the vegan sausage roll that Greggs launched in January 2019. He was seen spitting it out and retching at it.  This January, Greggs have now launched the vegan steak bake. To wind up the man, Greggs have said that each vegan steak bake sold has Piers Morgan’s tears inside (!)

Some examples of his tweets including veganism includes;

‘Great! The one thing the world definitely needs right now is more people talking about their veganism. They’re such a quiet, meek bunch of shrinking violets.’

‘…we’ll be ranting on (well I will anyway, probably about vegan steaks) until 9am.’


These kinds of tweets can rub people up the wrong way, including many vegans and vegan activists that can be offended by him.

An article I read back in 2017 regarded a 12-year-old boy who was vegan. He had meat thrown at him from bullies in his school frequently which lead him to self-harming and an end result of suicide.

Being ‘different’

As spoken about previously, Greta Thunberg is a well-known face today since her activism to help stop climate change. She discusses that through Twitter she receives a lot of threats and bullying. People like Donald Trump tweeting about her needing help or to just shut up. She even had a Fox News commentator call her a ‘mentally ill Swedish child’.

Recently, Donald Trump was reacting to Greta Thunberg’s tweets – punching back against her. She won Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, of which Donald Trump was not best pleased with and edited his face over the top of hers (Tweet now deleted) and reacting to her award.



Thunberg took to Twitter, saying ‘As you may have noticed, the haters are as active as ever — going after me, my looks, my clothes, my behaviour and my differences…’. Greta hits back at her hate stating that the younger generations intimidate those who don’t want change. She credits her Asperger’s syndrome for her fierce activist nature and refers to it as a ‘superpower’ using the hashtags ‘#aspiepower’.

Cyberbullying can take form or shape in many different ways, and it is shocking to see the president of America is singling someone out over social media.

I hope that no one reading this has or is experiencing cyberbullying of any sort, or for being vegan. Here is a website link if you are needing any help regarding cyberbullying.

Please feel free to also contact myself through Instagram or Twitter as I am always ears.

Here is a video to finish this week’s blog on: Piers Morgan trying the vegan sausage roll…!



Featured image from Pexels


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