About this blog…

Hi Plant Powered Friends, and welcome to my blog.

I am at the questionable student age of 23 years old, studying Communications and Media at Bournemouth University.

I was about 11 years old when I begged my Mother to let me be vegetarian, and just in time to try this for my lent (although I am not overly religious) promising to try and eat anything my mum put in front of me (eek!). This worked, and I stayed ever since. At this age, it was more a physical feeling as though my throat would want to close up at the thought what I was eating was…well basically…animal murder!

I was not aware the impacts our food had on the planet and the deeper ethical issues of farming until I was a lot older and obviously used too much internet. I became vegan for Veganuary 2 years ago and I have loved almost every minute of it. The almost is when it comes to larger annual family events and I get particularly questioned for why I will not eat ‘normal’ food…

The purpose of this blog is to explore how Vegan Activism has become what it is today and the potential it has for the future through looking at different digital impacts. I would not be informed today if it was not for the digital era, and I believe everybody should know the truth about their food.

Our world unfortunately, is under terrific threat and it is being ignored that the top contributor is agriculture. Carbon absorbers (known as trees) are being cultivated to make more and more agricultural space and this carbon is being released and, well, along with cows are heating up the planet.

19% of our UK land is used for things like cereals, potatoes. Less than 1% is fruit and vegetables. And 51% of the UK is used for livestock. Just a bit over 5% is our cities, villages, airports etc. And this is just the UK…It is of no surprise this is effecting us.

You should expect to see ethical, environmental and health factors that the digital era has raised our awareness too, bringing activism to the forefront. I will also be sharing some food inspiration with an expected video.

If you wish to keep up to date with my blog or contact me regarding it, please follow me on my socials;




I am not qualified in any environmentalist, health or science industries. I am simply sharing my opinions and thoughts, along with study I have done on different effecting factors through the use of documentaries and other readings. Before any major altering to your diet, it is advised to seek medical advice and/or do your research to make sure you are gaining the right nutrients your body needs.

This blog is simply to inspire the power of plants. 
