What’s For Breakfast? #BACOM

What’s For Breakfast? #BACOM

Breakfast, the most important meal of the day.

It helps to kickstart our day, gives us the nutrients we need to perform for the day and much more. There are many reasons why breakfast is important. So, strap on, and find out why you should never skip your breakfast. It is the start of your day and helps control your metabolism.

Read till the end and enjoy some of the breakfast suggestions I have for you.

Social media provides inspiration for healthy eating and helps you make better food choices. People tend to post all the positive things on social media and form the perception they want us to see. With social media, we are inspired to eat fruit, vegetables and just have better food choices subconsciously.Human behaviour makes us want to be the better version we see from other people. If you were on Instagram while eating a doughnut and you scrolled past a bowl of someone’s fruit and veg, chances are you would feel guilty about what you’re eating. Constantly seeing this on social media over time would then have you subconsciously making better food choices. It could have a positive long-term impact on your weight.

Although there are positive impacts, social media negatively impacts people because you do not see the full image. People show their meal preparations for the week, but what we don’t see if the effort that went into preparing the meal. This would lead people to thinking that the journey could be an easy one without really mentally preparing them. This could have social media users think the goals set and the healthy eating is unattainable because they never see the failure. Again, all we see is what people want us to see.

Having a healthy breakfast is essential. Include iron, B vitamins and fibres in your breakfast to get the most of your breakfast. It helps to increase your energy for the day and you are more likely to reach your daily intake of vitamins and minerals.

Believe it or not, eating breakfast helps you control your body weight. If you skip breakfast, you are more likely going to eat bigger portions of foo later on in in the day to make up for the hunger. You are less likely to make unhealthy food choices. Thanks to your intake of vitamins and minerals in the morning. Breakfast helps you feel energised. The best part, no temptation to eat the wrong foods!

Without breakfast, there are increased chances of illness. The chances of having diabetes, heart disease and other illnesses are reduced. Since people are more likely to eat more food making up for the morning hunger, chances of weight gain increase too. The chances of diabetes increases. This because there is a rise in blood sugar after lunch and dinner. Skipping breakfast can stress the body and ruin the normality of your metabolism.

There are many reasons people might skip breakfast. I would tend to skip breakfast in the morning because I don’t tend to be hungry. Even though you may not be hungry in the morning, skipping breakfast is not the right choice to make. I have since made sure that even if I eat something small, I should eat something. Sometimes I just make a smoothie for myself. Drinking your food can be a lot easier for you and you still get in your vitamins and minerals. Overtime I have trained my body to be prepared to eat something in the morning. Now I can enjoy either smoothies or breakfast dishes in the morning.

Here are some tips you can try for yourself to make sure to eat breakfast every morning. These are useful for you if you struggle with time in the morning to prepare your breakfast.

  • Prepare for the next day that way you don’t use up too much time in the morning.
  • Keep breakfast at work so you don’t have to rush making it before you leave
  • Set your alarm 20 minutes early to prepare your breakfast
  • Reduce the size of your meals in the morning

Try out these food options I like to enjoy for myself. They’ve all got a good source or nutrition in them and are filling. I like to mix up my breakfast options from day to day because I get bored of eating the same thing. Try these out for yourself.

Oats- This is one of the healthiest food options. It’s 100% wholegrain. Its plant based and filled with B vitamins, fibre, vitamins, calcium and magnesium. This is the perfect meal to start your day. It keeps you filled and energised for a long period of time. Add a banana along with your oats, and you’ll be sure your stomach will hold you.

Seeds- Chia seeds are one of my favourites. You can have it on its own with some berries or add them to you dishes. Add them to your oats, your porridges, smoothies and anything else. The seeds are filled with zinc, magnesium, calcium and can help with your bad cholesterol.

Avocado on toast- Avocados are delicious and filling! They’ve got healthy fats, water and dietary fibre. The toast along with the avocado adds B vitamins and minerals from whole grains.

Three quick and easy dishes for you to try next time you have no idea what to eat in the morning.


Let us know your favourite breakfast choices and what changes you plan on making for your next breakfast.


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