About US

About US

Welcome Ladies!

Social media and various improved digital methods can have an impact on our lives in various ways. In fact, whether we know it or not, there is a digital impact on our health and fitness. This is through social media and other forms of multimedia.

So, you find yourself scrolling endlessly on social media, why not use that time on planning and following through with your fitness goals. Female Health and Fitness with Ami is the blog for you; here to motivate you, help you reach your goals and provide you with the best tips and trick to succeeding on your journey.

While this is only the beginning of this fitness blog, we plan to use social media as a way to improve your health inside and out.

FHF was created to show the digital impacts on health and fitness. Our target market, you guessed it, women of all ages, shapes and goals. With social media at the tip of your fingers, there is no excuse with struggling to find the right platform to find everything health and fitness you are looking for while being easily accessible.

Take a look at our social media platforms aside from our blog to make the most of our tips and tricks.



What We Do


We will provide you with healthy meal options to try out for you day to day routine. From breakfast, lunch and dinner options to juices and smoothies, we’ve go you! Well


Workouts for your daily life, workout plans to target various areas of your body and ways to stay motivated.


The best tips and tricks available on our blog and social media at the tip on your fingers.

We are so happy to be a part of your journey.



stay fit & stay healthy
